In the wild, Calathea can be found under the deep vegetation of the Brazilian rainforests. In the home, your Calathea will thrive under similar conditions. Make sure to never put your Calathea in direct sunlight as it will burn the leaves, but rather in a bright shaded area. Humidity is an important factor in keeping good health for your Calathea. They tend to do the best in bathrooms as its the place in most homes that receive the most humidity. An inexpensive humidifier will also do the trick.

Calathea Orbifolia 6”
The broad, green striped leaf of the Calathea Orbifolia is gaining popularity among home decorators and plant enthusiasts alike. They can grow up to 3 feet tall, but will take some time to do so as they are slow growing. Much like other Calathea, the Orbifolia will open and close its leaves to catch sunlight.
Bright Indirect to Moderate Light,Tolerates Low Light
Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings.
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