Cactus are most commonly found throughout Mexico and in the Southwestern states of the US. Many species of cactus have evolved over time to combat the drought they can often face. Their needles act as a shield from the desert predators who want to feast on them. Many cactus species will flower, and some even produce edible fruits. A sunny, warm environment like their natural one will provide you with such rewards.

Cephalocereus Dybowskii 6″
Cephalocereus Dybowskii 6″
A rare cactus with soft white hair that covers it from top to bottom, making it looks like an old mans hair. Too much water can cause root rotting, so be mindful of how much you water. Keep it in full exposure to light, but not a light as strong as the one required by succulents from arid places.
Bright Direct Light
Water every 2-3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings.
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