Cactus are most commonly found throughout Mexico and in the Southwestern states of the US. Many species of cactus have evolved over time to combat the drought they can often face. Their needles act as a shield from the desert predators who want to feast on them. Many cactus species will flower, and some even produce edible fruits. A sunny, warm environment like their natural one will provide you with such rewards.

Euphorbia Acrurensis – Desert Candle 5gal
Euphorbia Acrurensis – Desert Candle 5gal
Sun loving cactus will flourish in your sunroom or in front of a south facing window. Needing such little care, they make a perfect plant for those who travel a lot or for someone who doesn’t have the time for a needy plant. Be sure to keep away from children and animals as their needles can be quite painful.
Bright Direct Light
Water every 2-3 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings.
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