While icons of places like Florida and California, the Palm is originally from India, Southeast Asia, and Northern Africa. Over 2,500 different species make up this genus, with over 30 species being adopted as houseplants.Certain species can grow up to 6 feet indoors making them an excellent choice for those with high ceilings looking to fill up some space. Palms need relatively low maintainence compared to other houseplants, making them great for those who don’t have the most green thumb.
Palm Fishtail 14”
The Fishtail Palm has foliage that looks like just that. Each frond contains triangular shaped leaves with frilly ends resembling the tail of a fish. The slender trunks and stems give the Fishtail Palm a whispy airy quality to it.
Bright Indirect to Moderate Light
Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings.
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